Hi there! I'm Rashida, a freelance health writer from Kenya, specializing in B2C and B2B content. My nursing background helps me turn scientific concepts into engaging, evidence-based articles. My work has been featured in top health brands like Healthline and Healthgrades. When I'm not writing, I support offenders with mental health conditions at a correctional facility. I'm excited about the chance to share my expertise with you and create impactful content together. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. :)

My Latest Work

What to know about taking ibuprofen during pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, ibuprofen may have certain adverse effects on you and your baby. To be safe, don’t take ibuprofen unless your doctor recommends it, and be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions around dosage and frequency.

If you’re experiencing pain during pregnancy, talk with your doctor about safe options for pain relief.

Taking ibuprofen during pregnancy is generally not recommended. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory dru...

What to Know About Sudden Eczema in Adults

Eczema can develop for the first time in adulthood. Some adults may also experience a sudden return of eczema they had many years ago or in childhood. Researchers are trying to find out why this happens.

Though eczema often appears in childhood, it can develop for the first time at any age.

If you’ve had eczema before, the type and symptoms you have as an adult can be different from those you had as a child.

Experts are trying to understand what causes eczema and why it ma...

Stages of Cataracts and their Progression: What to Know

Although there are different types of cataracts, they all progress through the same four stages: early, immature, mature, and hypermature.Cataracts are a condition in which the eye’s lens becomes cloudy, leading to decreased vision over time. This condition can affect anyone but is most common in older adults. It can also occur at birth or occur as a result of other factors like injury and medical conditions like diabetes.As cataracts progress, they can lead to various symptoms, including blurry...

Training Eyes After Cataract Surgery for the Best Recovery

Unlike physical exercise, which can enhance muscle recovery, there‘s no specific exercise for training eyes after cataract surgery that speeds up recovery.Healthcare professionals recommend cataract surgery when cataracts limit everyday activities, such as watching TV or driving. This surgery involves removing the clouded natural lens and replacing it with a clear artificial lens known as an intraocular lens (IOL).Most people notice an improvement in vision within a day, but achieving full recov...

What Are Risk Factors for Migraine?

Various factors can increase the risk of developing migraine, including genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle choices like smoking.Migraine is a neurological condition involving intense, debilitating headaches often accompanied by symptoms like increased sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.This article explores various migraine risk factors and discusses how these factors influence the severity and outcomes of migraine.

Various factors can increase the risk of developing mi...

Types of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Subtypes of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer, may differ in appearance, aggressiveness, treatment options, and who’s likely to develop them.Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer. It begins in the basal cells, located in the deepest layer of the epidermis.There are several types of BCC, each of which may differ in appearance and severity. BCC often looks like bumps, growths, sores, scars, or red patches.BCC is highly curable when detected early...

Is Anxiety a Symptom or a Cause of Thyroid Disease?

Thyroid dysfunction may lead to mental health symptoms like anxiety and brain fog. An overactive thyroid is more likely to cause these symptoms, and management typically involves regulating thyroid hormone levels.The thyroid gland produces hormones involved in important body functions, from your metabolism to cognitive tasks and mood regulation. When your thyroid produces too much or not enough hormones, these body functions may be affected. This, in turn, could lead to many physical and mental...

IBD Journal: Benefits and How to Use It

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition that currently does not have a cure. However, certain lifestyle measures, such as keeping an IBD journal, can help you track symptoms, identify triggers, and prevent flare-ups. Living with IBD can be challenging and often unpredictable. An IBD journal is an effective tool that can help manage this chronic condition.An IBD journal allows you to track symptoms, food intake, and treatment responses. This tool can enable you to identify pattern...

Types of Blindness: What to Know

The types of blindness vary based on severity and how exactly vision is affected, such as whether you have partial or total blindness.

Doctors may categorize blindness types based on how much vision you have, how exactly your vision is impaired, and its cause.

Talk with an eye doctor if you have any questions about your vision and blindness.

This article discusses the primary types of blindness, how they affect your vision, and common causes of blindness....

Rosacea: How Does It Start?

Rosacea typically starts with facial flushing, often triggered by factors such as genetics and certain bacteria. Although there’s no cure, topical treatments and oral antibiotics can often help manage the symptoms. Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that causes redness or darkness and visible blood vessels, often on the face. Although its exact cause is unknown, several factors can trigger its onset. These factors may include a combination of genetics, an overactive immune system, certai...

Laser Surgery for Cataracts: Preparation, Procedure, and Recovery

Laser surgery for cataracts is an effective, safe procedure in which an eye doctor uses a laser beam to remove the clouded lens and replace it with a clear artificial one. This can help improve vision. Laser surgery for cataracts is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a femtosecond laser to remove cataracts and improve vision. It’s a safe and effective surgical approach, but it’s typically more expensive than traditional cataract surgery.Learn more about laser surgery for cataracts, includi...

What Causes Unexplained Weight Gain? What to Know

If your weight gain doesn’t seem to be explained by your diet or activity levels, it may indicate an underlying health condition. Possible causes include hormonal conditions, heart problems, and medication side effects.

Weight increases are often linked to eating more calories than you burn through daily activity.

If your dietary patterns or activity levels haven’t changed, you may feel that your weight gain is unexplained. Alternatively, you may have changed your diet or activit...

Everything to Know About Chorea in Pregnancy

Chorea gravidarum is a rare group of movement symptoms that can develop during pregnancy. They may result from changes or injury to your brain’s nerve cells. Examples include muscle weakness, involuntary motions like twitching, and speech difficulties.

Chorea itself involves irregular, unintentional movements. Typically, chorea gravidarum isn’t an official diagnosis or condition. Instead, doctors may use the phrase “chorea gravidarum” to describe chorea that occurs during pregnancy....

Neurological Complications of Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis can lead to neurological complications, or problems affecting the nerves, spinal cord, and brain. Neurological complications of psoriatic arthritis include nerve pain, migraine, and mobility problems.

The term “neurological” refers to the body’s nervous system, which consists of the nerves, brain, and spinal cord.

With psoriatic arthritis, the same inflammation that affects the joints can sometimes affect parts of the nervous system. In some cases, psoriatic a...

Headache and Nosebleed: A Guide

Many conditions can cause a headache and nosebleed at the same time. Examples include migraine, sinusitis, and some injuries. Headaches and nosebleeds can be mild. However, they can be concerning and sometimes related to underlying health conditions.

Talk with a doctor if you have questions about headaches or nosebleeds.

This article explains how headaches and nosebleeds can be linked, including possible causes of both at the same time, when to see a doctor, and treatment options.

Headaches a

Addison’s Disease Effects on Skin: Symptoms and Treatment

Addison’s disease is a rare adrenal gland disease that causes various symptoms, including distinct skin effects like hyperpigmentation and vitiligo. Addison’s disease is rare. It’s often due to autoimmune diseases, where the immune system attacks the adrenal glands. Depending on the underlying cause, it can lead to various symptoms, including skin changes like hyperpigmentation and vitiligo. Without treatment, Addison’s disease can lead to a life threatening condition called Addisonian crisis. S

A Complete Guide to Spinal Headache

A spinal headache develops when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord leaks. It often occurs as a complication of a lumbar puncture, but injury and surgery can also be responsible. CSF is a liquid that circulates through and around the brain and spinal cord. It serves many purposes, including balancing pressure in the head, transporting nutrients, and supporting key structures.

If you experience a CSF leak, you may develop a spinal headache.

Read on to learn more a

What Are the Side Effects of Overactive Bladder Medication?

The most common side effects of overactive bladder (OAB) medication can include dry mouth, constipation, and blurred vision. However, if you experience severe side effects, seek emergency care. OAB medications can effectively manage the symptoms of an OAB but may also cause side effects. Knowing common side effects and strategies to manage them effectively is important. Some medications have fewer side effects than others, but individual responses can vary. Healthcare professionals often recomme

What happens if nasal spray goes down your throat? | Optum Perks

Nasal sprays can help with allergies by reducing inflammation and relieving congestion. Over-the-counter (OTC) options include corticosteroids, antihistamines, and decongestant nasal sprays.

In some cases, prescription nasal sprays with higher concentrations of medications may be necessary.

When nasal spray enters the throat, it can cause symptoms like irritation or a bitter taste.

These symptoms are mild and typically resolve on their own. Using proper techniques can reduce the risk of the s

What happens if nasal spray goes down your throat? | Optum Perks

Nasal sprays can help with allergies by reducing inflammation and relieving congestion. Over-the-counter (OTC) options include corticosteroids, antihistamines, and decongestant nasal sprays.

In some cases, prescription nasal sprays with higher concentrations of medications may be necessary.

When nasal spray enters the throat, it can cause symptoms like irritation or a bitter taste.

These symptoms are mild and typically resolve on their own. Using proper techniques can reduce the risk of the s

What happens if nasal spray goes down your throat? | Optum Perks

Nasal sprays can help with allergies by reducing inflammation and relieving congestion. Over-the-counter (OTC) options include corticosteroids, antihistamines, and decongestant nasal sprays.

In some cases, prescription nasal sprays with higher concentrations of medications may be necessary.

When nasal spray enters the throat, it can cause symptoms like irritation or a bitter taste.

These symptoms are mild and typically resolve on their own. Using proper techniques can reduce the risk of the s

Headache When Lying Down: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

Read on to learn more about the possible causes of headaches when lying down, treatment, and how to prevent them.

Identifying the underlying cause is important, as it can vary from positional changes to health conditions such as high blood pressure or nasal blockages.

A headache when lying down can result from various causes, including changes in cerebrospinal fluid pressure, nasal congestion, and brain tumors.

Several factors can cause a headache when lying down but not standing.

High blood

Understanding Sudden Deterioration in Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease usually progresses gradually, but stress, an infection, or issues with medications can contribute to a sudden deterioration in symptoms. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the loss of dopamine-producing cells in your brain, primarily affecting movement, causing tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. Parkinson’s usually progresses slowly over time, but certain events may cause the disorder to worsen suddenly. You might noti

Can Dehydration Cause Constipation in Adults or Children?

Dehydration can cause constipation by resulting in dry and hard stools that are difficult to pass. It can also lead to other effects, such as diarrhea and bloating. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks sufficient fluids to function as it should. Several factors, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive sweating, can cause it. Constipation is a condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stool, typically less than three times per week. Inadequate fiber intake and
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"It has been a pleasure knowing Rashida because her writing skill is an excellent talent - one to reckon with. She seems to draw much writing strength from her passion for health and health awareness. I would hire her for health writing jobs and I suggest you do too if you need a capable hand."

Joy Emeh - Health Editor

"I’ve worked with Rashida for nearly a year now, and I appreciate her talent, reliability, and technical expertise. Rashida is amazing at meeting deadlines, following guidelines and an assignment brief, and formatting articles in a way that makes them easy to read. I’ve enjoyed working with Rashida and would recommend her to other editors who appreciate dedication, accuracy, and reliability in a writer."

Sandra Silva Casabianca MSc - Senior Editor at Healthline Media

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